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About BVGA
You can access our safeguarding related policies by clicking on the links below:
Part of our commitment to safeguarding is to support students and parents by increasing awareness of the types of issues faced by young people in society today, as well as providing the guidance, advice and resources which can help to address those issues.
If you need support with a wellbeing / child protection issue, or as a parent / carer you have a concern about a young person in school, please contact reception and ask to speak to a member of our Designated Safeguarding Team, detailed below.
The Senior Designated Lead for safeguarding is:
Mrs Eleanor Hatch - Deputy Headteacher
The Deputy Designated Lead is:
Ms Farah Nisar - Assistant Headteacher & Child Protection Officer
Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children
Mrs Eleanor Hatch - Deputy Headteacher