- Overview
- Ready to Learn
- Our Curriculum Intent
- Assessment
- Independent Learning
- Destinations
- Subjects
- Relationships & Sex Education
- Oracy
- Reading
- Inclusion
- Intervention
- EAL (English as a second language)
- Personal Development
- Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance
- Student Wellbeing
- Character Education
- Trips, Clubs and Enrichment
- Student Leadership and Student Voice
- The Hub
- Remote Learning
- Year 9 Options
- Year 11 Options
- Exams Information
Our students choose exciting and varied life enhancing opportunities and destinations both at the end of year 11 and at the end of year 13 and we are proud of their success.
Our fantastic destinations and outcomes are the product of our exceptional educational experience and a stable, impartial, and personalised career programme which jointly enable all our students to make their own choices that lead to their future success.