Careers lessons are delivered to all year groups as part of the personal development programme in tutor time.
Useful links:
Once students have left school they can access further guidance through Connexions:
Vacancies/Post 16/Safeguarding/Zara Sports Centre/Staff & Student login/
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Learning at BVGA
Mrs Pickerden is a qualified and experienced adviser and is responsible for the Information, Advice and Guidance within school. She is also responsible for NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) figures - ensuring students are not in this category, recording the destinations of students once they leave our school. Mrs Pickerden trains and leads staff delivering the Progression Module (PM). She is also a Life Skills tutor and delivers guidance interviews. She is based in the 6th form office.
Mrs Pickerden is available by email and can arrange to see students from any year at break or lunch times by appointment.
In addition to Mrs Pickerden, Mrs Crabtree ( the Work-Related Learning Lead and Mrs. Dufrier ( the Enrichment Team Lead also provide support for students with their future plans. They are based in the Hub and appointments can be arranged by email.
Careers Leader and SLT Link: Mrs. V Duffield |
Work Related Learning Manager: Mrs. S Crabtree |
Careers Link Governor: Ben Metcalfe |
Telephone Number: 01274 492341 |
Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing. Skillsometer quiz
Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.
Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare. You can also select ‘display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation you have selected. Careerometer quiz
Labour Market Information:
Click images below to download pdf version.
Personal Development Curriculum
Useful links:
Once students have left school they can access further guidance through Connexions:
Key stage 3
Support is offered to our year 7&8 students to help them to settle into Belle Vue Girls’ Academy. Every student will know who their pastoral manager is and who they can approach with any concerns.
Students will be introduced to Mrs Crabtree and the Enrichment Team and will be told where they can find them for any careers advice they need at any point in their Belle Vue journey.
Students will hear at least one speaker from a business or industry, talking about their sphere of work. Students will have at least one contact with a university or HE provider. They will also attend our annual careers fair.
Students will be signposted to Mrs Crabtree and the Enrichment Team for support in making their option choices.
Pupils will be offered contacts with FE/HE providers and the chance to learn about what an apprenticeship is.
Careers lessons continue as part of the Personal Development curriculum, covering topics around decision making and planning for the future.
Students will hear at least one speaker from a business or industry, talking about their sphere of work. Students will have at least one contact with a university or HE provider. They will also attend our annual careers fair.
Key stage 4
Students in year 10 will all have the amazing opportunity to have an experience of the world of work.
Careers lessons continue in tutor time covering topics around interview skills and employers’ expectations.
Students will have the opportunity to contact Higher and Further Education institutions and to take part in STEM, industry and business projects.
All students will have the opportunity to experience a place of work. They will also benefit from hearing employers talking about their sphere of work.
Year 11
All year 11 will be invited to attend a 1-1 guidance interview between September and February. This will be followed up by group sessions depending on the student’s choice; sessions will include apprenticeship applications, applying to college and applying to sixth forms.
Careers lessons continue in tutor time covering topics around options Post 16 and making effective applications.
Students will be encouraged to book an appointment with Kiran Hussain our Careers advisor or Mrs Crabtree to start to discuss their post 16 options.
Key stage 5
Year 12
All Level 3 Post 16 students in year 12 students will work through the Progression Module which is a formal programme of study that provides an opportunity for students to investigate progression routes – primarily to Higher Education.
Content - The module comprises four units:
Successful completion of the scheme earns the participant 12 UCAS points, recognised by many of the local universities.
Aim & Objectives
Following completion of the progression module, students will take part in an UCAS day in school. This will involve registering on the UCAS website and also considering alternatives to University. We will have representatives from school leaver’s programmes and an apprenticeship provider.
Every student will be offered a mock interview with an external partner. Subject focus days are promoted in year 12 and students are encouraged to book themselves a place so they have a better understanding of what it will be like to study a particular subject at university.
All Year 12 students will have the opportunity to experience a place of work attend virtual work experience. They will also benefit from hearing employers talking about their sphere of work. Year 12 students are also encouraged to find their own work experience to fit around their own school timetable and support them in their application for post 18 options. We will also support them to attend taster days at universities, UCAS Fairs and summer schools.
Year 13
In year 13 students continue with a weekly timetabled lesson during the autumn term with support and advice towards their plans once they leave BVGA.
We support students with their applications through UCAS and personal statements until the half term break. We then ask all students to consider other routes, offering sessions on apprenticeships and school leaver programmes.
Students will be supported to complete their Student Finance England (SFE) applications during their IAG lessons.
Year 13 students who are not holding any offers at University will be helped to make effective apprenticeship applications.
Year 13 will be offered help and support from when they finish their A Levels through to the results day and beyond if they are not holding any offers of university places. On our A level results day our careers advisor will be in school to help students with clearing, accepting offers and any other HE related queries.