- Overview
- Welcome from the Headteacher
- Our Vision and Values
- Admissions 2023-24
- Governance
- Senior Leadership Team
- Faculty Leaders
- Pastoral Team
- Our Policies
- Performance and Exam Results
- Ofsted
- Safeguarding
- Equality & Diversity
- British Values
- Prospectus
- Vacancies
- CPD and Leadership Development
- Teacher Training
- BVGA Alumni
- About BDAT
At BVGA, all pupils are valued equally. Our curriculum provides opportunities for all to enjoy school, learn and achieve. Students who require extra support to access the mainstream curriculum, and students who benefit from alternative pathways, receive exceptional support from our SENDCo and a dedicated and highly specialist team of teachers and teaching assistants.
All students are entitled to have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, which is differentiated to meet individual needs. Within its aims, BVGA is committed to equal opportunities, with students being encouraged to achieve their full potential, whatever their academic or physical ability, through the provision of a balanced and challenging curriculum in both content and styles of learning.
Students of all ages and all abilities will:
- Be treated as individuals where their individual needs, interests and aptitudes are recognised.
- Be entitled to have an emerging or evident special educational need identified and assessed.
- Be provided with opportunities for continued growth and development so that they can increase their self-esteem and become confident.
- Receive a balanced curriculum in both content and style of delivery which allow them to make informed choices as they progress beyond the Academy.
- Be encouraged to achieve their full potential, whatever their abilities.
- Be encouraged to learn through a range of enjoyable and stimulating experiences in an atmosphere where students feel valued, encouraged and safe.
- Learn to take an increasing responsibility for their own learning and actions so that they will be equipped to deal with life after school.
- Be encouraged to see education as a life-long process to the benefit of all aspects of their life.
SENDCO Miss K Wilde
c/o Belle Vue Girls' Academy
Email address: kissi.wilde@bvga.bdat-academies.org